About my books, my writing life, creative writing, about reading, or any combination of these.
In picture books there is the artist, bringing unknown dimensions and possibilities. The open-endedness of that is marvellous.
The true story of a man who helped save millions of lives
The true story of one man's curiosity and the discoveries he made about electricity
Crafty spider Anansi's cunning doesn’t always get him what he wants.
It's early Sunday morning, but Suzi, Sam, George and Alice have plans ...
Summary here Sed ut facilisis arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur elementum.
Sed ut facilisis arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur elementum, dui non ullamcorper porttitor, lectus odio accumsan lectus.
Gulliver is shipwrecked and washed ashore on the exotic island of Lilliput – where the people are small enough to fit into the palm of a man’s hand. It’s just the start of Gulliver’s unbelievable adventure.
A retelling of one of the most exciting fantasy stories ever written – Jonathan’s Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels.
This is only the first part of Gulliver’s marvellous travels. Later voyages take him to the land of the giants, to a flying island, and finally to a land of talking horses.
Illustrated by David Roberts
some pages from the book
[Gulliver’s Travels published by Hodder Wayland]