The Battle for Radio: Marconi’s story

marconi001-cThe true story of a battle. It was fought during a howling winter storm in the air waves above the Atlantic Ocean. Marconi was stubbornly determined to show that his ideas about radio signals were right. Satellite TV, commercial radio and laser communications all grew from his courage and curiosity.





Beverley Birch interweaves historical detail and scientific understanding to create lively narrative accounts of some of the greatest discoveries of modern science. The reader shares in the tension building up to the moment of discovery and gains insights into the everyday life and feelings that form the backdrop.



It is a wise publisher who has engaged the talents of Beverley Birch in the teaching of science to children.




Illustrated by Robin Bell Corfield


[Published by Mathew Price Ltd]

The Fight against Microbes: Pasteur’s Story

pasteur001-cThe true story of a man who helped save millions of lives.


Because of his work, the diseases that had killed people for centuries were finally defeated. His imagination, patience and clear thinking have transformed our world for ever.




Illustrated by Christian Birmingham



‘Beverley Birch interweaves historical detail and scientific understanding to create lively narrative accounts of some of the greatest discoveries of modern science. The reader shares in the tension building up to the moment of discovery and gains insights into the everyday life and feelings that form the backdrop.’


‘It is a wise publisher who has engaged the talents of Beverley Birch in the teaching of science to children.’


[Published by Mathew Price Ltd]

Adventures with Electricity: Benjamin Franklin’s story

franklin001-cThe true story of one man’s curiosity and the important discoveres he made because of it. Through his courageous experiments, he found how to protect people from the dangers of lightning – and opened the way for our modern world to harness electrical enegy.





illustrated by Robin Bell Corfield




‘Beverley Birch interweaves historical detail and scientific understanding to create lively narrative accounts of some of the greatest discoveries of modern science. The reader shares in the tension building up to the moment of discovery and gains insights into the everyday life and feelings that form the backdrop.’


‘It is a wise publisher who has engaged the talents of Beverley Birch in the teaching of science to children.’


[published by Mathew Price Ltd]

The Search for Radium: Marie Curie’s Story

curie001-cThe true story of one woman’s resolute intelligence, and the ways in which the world changed because of her discover.

Her extraordinary persistence and determination proved the existence of radium and opened the gateway to the nuclear age in which we live.


Ilustrated by Christian Birmingham

‘Beverley Birch interweaves historical detail and scientific understanding to create lively narrative accounts of some of the greatest discoveries of modern science. The reader shares in the tension building up to the moment of discovery and gains insights into the everyday life and feelings that form the backdrop.’


‘It is a wise publisher who has engaged the talents of Beverley Birch in the teaching of science to children.’


[published by Mathew Price Ltd]


discoveries001-cA small girl playing caves found Ice Age paintings over 17,000 years old.


Radioactivity first revealed itself on a cloudy day in Paris – in a desk drawer.


Peering into rainwater puddles, a curious linen-draper discovered the invisible world of living creatures that surround us.


A feast of weird and wonderful facts about discoveries.

A Science Museum Book of Amazing Facts


Illustrated by Tim Archbold



[published by Hodder Children’s Books]


inventions003-cThe inventors of the first robot were put on trial for witchcraft.


The first electric light bulbs needed a health warning: ‘Do not try and light with a match.’


The first working television was made from a knitting needle, the lid of a hatbox, an electric fan motor, and torch batteries, all put together on top of an old tea-chest.

A feast of weird and wonderful facts about inventions …

A Science Museum Book of Amazing Facts


Illustrated by Ross Collins



[published by Hodder Children’s Books]


transport002-cThe first air passengers were a sheep, a duck and a cock, who sailed up in a hot air balloon, watched by the King of France.

An American inventor has designed a bike with 54 speeds, 5 computers, a security system, a speech synthesizer, and a telephone.

In 1838 the fast journey across the Atlantic (by steamship) took 15 days. Nowadays, planes can fly it in a few hours.


A feast of weird and wonderful facts about transport

A Science Museum Book of Amazing Facts

Illustrated by Tim Archbold



[published by Hodder Children’s Books]